Eligible MOC CPD credits: 10 Section 2 Self-Learning Scanning activities (5.0 credits)
BCRS is pleased to welcome you to our cutting-edge course: Pediatric Imaging Update: Pearls and Pitfalls for General Radiologists.
The course is a Continuing Medical Education opportunity presented by Pediatric Radiologists from BC Children’s Hospital. You’ll learn pivotal information from the keynote faculty lecturer, Dr. Ramesh Iyer, a Pediatric Radiologist at Seattle Children’s Hospital, Associate Professor of Radiology at the University of Washington and Chairman of the Quality and Safety committee of the Society for Pediatric Radiology.
There will also be insightful talks by BCCH radiologists and Dr. Iyer on commonly encountered entities in general radiology practice as well as lesson from Dr. Iyer on Communicating Radiation Risk to Pediatric Patients and Families.
This is a Section 2 qualifying activity. Reviewing enduring video presentations and reporting your participation earns 0.5 credit per topic. Earn up to five (5) Section 2 Self learning credits for watching all 10 videos in this course.