DR. BRENDA FARNQUISTPresidentRead Bio DR. WAN WAN YAPPresident-ElectRead Bio DR. HAMED BASSERIPrograms Representative DR. SIMON BICKNELLCommunity RepresentativeRead Bio DR. ANAND DHATT Senior Resident RepresentativeRead Bio DR. SILVIA CHANGEquality, Diversity and Inclusion RepresentativeRead Bio DR. ALISON HARRISCanadian Association of Radiologists RepresentativeRead Bio DR. BLAKE JAMIESONCommunications RepresentativeRead Bio DR. VAMSHI KOTHAEconomic ChairRead Bio Dr. Yume KohnoTreasurer Dr. Paul KurkjianRegional Representative DR. EMIL LEERecording SecretaryRead Bio DR. JONATHAN A. LEIPSICAcademic RepresentativeRead Bio DR. MONTY MARTINQuality RepresentativeRead Bio DR. EMILY PANGMember At LargeRead Bio DR. KAREN SELANDBreast, Gynecological and Obstetrical Imaging RepresentativeRead Bio DR. TYLER YANSenior Resident RepresentativeRead Bio DR. CHARLOTTE YONG-HINGPast PresidentRead Bio