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Course Description

Eligible MOC CPD credits: Up to 7.25 Section 3 Self-Assessment hours (up to 21.75 credits automatically calculated upon submission)

Dr. Savvas Nicolaou, Director of Emergency/Trauma Imaging, Vancouver General Hospital and Professor of Radiology, UBC Division of Radiology

Radiologists are often referred to as the “doctors’ doctor”, often being the gateway to treatment decisions. Trauma patients benefit greatly from timely, targeted treatment plans.

This course will increase the value you provide to physicians that manage trauma patients through effective communications and relevant reports, translating to improved patient care and outcomes. 

The optimal management of major trauma requires that clinicians, radiologists, and other medical and technical personnel work seamlessly together to ensure timely and accurate diagnosis and treatment. This includes using standardized protocols to minimize unnecessary imaging examinations and establishing consistent reporting procedures to avoid critical delays and to ensure that healthcare resources are used both effectively and efficiently. 

This course includes 10 clinical videos and two non-clinical videos. They are organized by major trauma type and each video features a radiologist and a clinician discussing trauma imaging protocols and grading systems as well as pearls and pitfalls. Although the course incorporates the new BC Imaging Guidelines for Major Trauma**, it is a valuable resource for any specialist physician working in a trauma/ER setting.

The course is an accredited Self-Assessment Program (Section 3) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program (MOC) of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and has been approved by UBC CPD for up to 7.25 MOC Section 3 Self-Assessment hours (credits are automatically calculated). 

In addition, there are two non-clinical videos included in this course that provide valuable insight into the CPGs and how they will improve patient outcomes by reducing unnecessary [repeat] imaging.

  • Clinical Practice Guidelines Developed with Trauma Services BC
  • Gauging Trauma System Performance – perspective on diagnostic imaging 

Learners who view these videos are eligible to claim 0.5 Section 2 Self-learning credits for each of these talks for a total of 1.0 Section 2 MOC credits. NOTE: this will not be indicated on the certificate.

Each physician should claim only those credits accrued through participation in the activity, including the self-assessment quiz.


The Provincial Imaging Guidelines for Major Trauma were established through a multi-year collaboration initiated by the BCRS with Trauma Services BC to facilitate the right imaging for the right trauma patient at the right time. To launch these new guidelines, a ground-breaking event took place, bringing together a diverse group of diagnostic imaging and clinical/surgical professionals, most from Vancouver General Hospital, to teach radiologists how to report CT trauma under the new Provincial Protocol, with a focus on what is required from the clinicians’ perspective.

The BCRS would like to acknowledge and thank the experts who participated, for their assistance and contributions to this event. Special thanks go out to the following leaders in ER/trauma care for their guidance and participation:

  • Dr. Savvas Nicolaou, Director of Emergency/Trauma Imaging, Vancouver General Hospital and Professor of Radiology, UBC Division of Radiology; and 
  • Dr. David Evans, Medical Director, Trauma Services, Vancouver General Hospital and Medical Director, Trauma Services BC and Clinical Assistant Professor, UBC Division of General Surgery

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Explain the basis of the new Provincial Imaging Guidelines for Major Trauma, ie evidence and best practices.
  2. Describe the approaches to imaging for various trauma mechanisms (blunt and penetrating trauma injuries) and for specific injury types, including screening criteria and triggers.
  3. Outline the decision making around modality selections.
  4. Describe the protocols for CT acquisition and reconstruction (minimum requirements) for the elimination of duplicate imaging of patients (rescanning).
  5. Effectively utilize the best practices template for reporting the information clinicians are seeking.


Total credits

Up to 7.25 MOC Section 3 SAP (which is multiplied by 3 upon submission to MAINPORT) for a total of up to 21.75 credits


Up to 1.0 MOC Section 2 Self-Learning credits for viewing the two (2) non-clinical talks

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